Discover the authentic tastes of the 7-Premium range of snacks and drinks, made from quality Japanese ingredients, exclusively sourced direct from 7-Eleven Japan.
Black Coffee 375g
Grape Strong Sour 500ML
Peach Strong Sour 500ML
Sour Cream & Onion-Flavored Potato Chips
Shrimp Crackers
Brunt Cheese
Beef Jerky
Sweet Corn
Fish Cake with Cheese
Sweet Red Bean Paste in Pancakes
Chocolate Chip Cookies
Langue De Chat White Chocolate
Buttered Peanuts
Spicy Rice Crackers & Peanuts
Grapefruit Strong Sour 350ML
Shikuwasa Strong Sour 350ML
Shikuwasa Strong Sour 500ML
Lemon Strong Sour 500ML
Grapefruit Strong Sour 500ML
Squid & Seaweed Tempura Chips
Cheese & Cod